Player henner1 posted a message on 03/02 07:09 on the Wonderz Forum: connection is not completely secure. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players
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This is the message that appears every time I open MadWin (not on ZooValley or wonders):
Your connection is not fully secure This site's outdated security configuration may expose your information, such as passwords, messages, or 游戏积分 cards, when transmitted to it. NET::ERR_SSL_OBSOLETE_VERSION The connection used to load this site did so Mode TLS 1.0 or TLS 1.1, which are deprecated and will be disabled in the future. Once these protocols are disabled, users will no longer be allowed to load this site. The server must enable TLS 1.2 or later.
Next to fr. MadWin (dangerous)
I no longer dare to Confirm . Do you have this message? Why this message? Is it dangerous? Thank you all for your responses.
To go to bug tracking, you have to go to Help and faq then in the gray banner at the top there is: FAQ - Subscriptions - Contributions - Post An Article - Track Your Articles - News Timeline - Request For Features - Report A Bug - Forum - Customer-Service - Legal Disclaimer .
Hello, I have no doubt that your sites are secure. I have been registered for more than 10 years so I have confidence. The problem is that since the removal of Flash my anti virus no longer understands the security of your sites and you know why. If you still have "traces" of Flash (I express myself as I can) it does not recognize you as a secure site. At the moment the bar at the top of your address shows in red an 游戏点 mark Unsecured on MadWin permanently and intermittently on Wonderz therefore impossible to click on the padlock since in Unsecured there is no padlock. The problem is that I find this problem on each page that I open on these 2 sites and I therefore have to accept the "risk" on each page... and lose the Round played. I no longer play on MadWin but on Wonderz it's punctual so I lose a few Rounds as you can see on my account history , but I still have the pleasure of Play a few Rounds . I understand the difficulties you have in updating All Games after removing Flash but until Flash is removed from your sites we will always have these problems with antivirus. Indeed I could deactivate my anti virus while I play on your sites but I take the risk that other sites hack me. Do you understand my position? Webmaster as you know 90% of players have no computer skills, we love your sites, your games, answer us these problems, give us advice on how to access sites that are said to be unprotected by our antivirus. I account on your professionalism. Thank you very much for your advice except telling us to disable the anti virus.
Hello henner1, All our sites are secure but some browsers will always show you this red padlock because they detect that we still use Flash on some games. If you had any doubts about the fact that our sites are not secure, click on the padlock and you will see that our security certificate is up to date Le web'
I'm not complaining, I just want information. Thank you rudy015 for your answer. But that's not the solution. If this message appears, there is a problem, even a minor one. Indeed I do not use online payment on this site so little risk but I would simply like a webmaster to answer me and tell me why: MadWin has this message since the removal of Flash: (Not secure) in red in the address bar whereas before this site was secure Why now Wonderz also encounters this problem punctually around 8 am and sometimes in the afternoon (at the moment) for a few days. Why Zoovaley is always secure (small padlock). The parameters are not the same on the 3 sites. Indeed I have a Ccleaner Pro protection on my PC which blocks at the slightest security problem. It is to secure my PC that I pay for this protection service. It is unfortunate that the webmasters are unwilling to give information about this issue and are deleting my posts. Deleting messages is not the solution. I am neither aggressive nor vulgar. It may just be program updates that take time after removing Flash, but let them say so. I can't be the only person having this problem? Thank you