Player jeanluc601 posted a message on 07/09 07:51 on the Wonderz Forum: flash player. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  flash player
07/09/2020 07:51:38

hello ,

I have a simple question;

at the end of the year flash player will no longer be accepted by google chrome

have you planned something to replace it for those who use this browser?

thank you in advance for your response

21/12/2020 18:05:54

I too am waiting for an answer to this question and the end of the year is fast approaching!

14/12/2020 18:00:25

i'm like jeanluc i would also like to know what will replace flash player

i deleted flash player from my computer and i can't Play anymore

03/12/2020 17:00:11

Hello everyone,
We all have the same question. What do we have to do ? After many searches on the web and with the repairer of my PC we have nothing to do. It would be up to game sites and others to make their sites compatible with hdmi5. If you can look on your side and give us More because it seems that MadWin does not want to give us any information at the moment, Thank you

23/10/2020 15:45:42


20/10/2020 12:34:44

maybe someone from MadWin can answer us?
it would be good ......

29/09/2020 16:16:10

i'm like jeanluc i would also like to know what will replace flash player

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