Player webmaster posted a message on 30/06 16:54 on the Wonderz Forum: Doubling of games in July. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Doubling of games in July
30/06/2020 16:54:14

Hello! πŸ˜€

Good luck to all on this last day of Julien Riddle's "The Extraordinary Sportsman" chapter. πŸ€πŸ‹οΈ

I also have good news for you!
Indeed the Dream 'wishes to accompany you during these holidays πŸŒ…, also tomorrow we will double your free rounds on MadWin , Wonderz and ZooValley for 1 month πŸ˜€

Good evening.

The Web'

Date of message edition 01/07/2020 12:22:20

15/07/2020 17:45:18

Thank you very much, it's a beautiful summer prize that you give us πŸ˜ƒ

09/07/2020 05:43:15

thank you

02/07/2020 08:50:52

hello today I have 0 Rounds to Play on MadWin Wonderz and zoo valley on the other hand I had my Rounds on mafia! when will the Rounds be postponed because this month you double the Rounds thank you

02/07/2020 08:42:36

Thanks for the x2 the Rounds .

But today, I had no Rounds at all.

A little bug I think.

Have a good day.

02/07/2020 05:37:29

thank you ! but this morning I don't even have my normal Rounds

01/07/2020 23:31:23

thank you very nice πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜ŽπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜Ž

01/07/2020 13:43:42

thank youπŸ˜ƒπŸ‘

30/06/2020 21:34:40

great Congrats thank you

30/06/2020 20:04:17

thank you and well Congrats ! !!!

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