Player webmaster posted a message on 01/03 14:01 on the Wonderz Forum: julien riddle. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  julien riddle
01/03/2017 14:01:24

Hello everyone,

The display of the answer and the Winners the Previous chapter" Julien Riddle and the World Monument" is now available:)

Once again the whole team apologizes for this bug!

Have a nice day, everyone

. The Web.

15/03/2017 09:19:45

Hello Zicolette,

I'm sorry but at my level I can't do anything. I support the customer service request by relaunching the technical team on this subject.
But don't worry, in any case you will get your clicks in the Grid.

Have a good day.

"The Web

04/03/2017 09:24:28

Hello webmaster, following the bug, I have Julien Riddle neither on mad nor on cado.

µI couldn't make clicks in the winning grids.

I have already contacted customer service.

I'm waiting for your

zicolette answer

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