Player webmaster posted a message on 25/11 16:40 on the Wonderz Forum: New Rule: Julien Riddle. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  New Rule: Julien Riddle
25/11/2015 16:40:31

Hello everyone πŸ™‹, Following

your comments on Julien Riddle, we have decided to satisfy all our players. Thus, as of the next Julien Riddle Chapter, all players who have found the right answer to the Enigma will win 1 click on the Prizes! πŸ˜‚ Good

luck to all!

The Web 🌹

04/12/2015 09:17:26

πŸ™‹ hello

Webmaster, I

had already read this info at the end of November, it's great, thank you very much..... but

for the 6 clues, I will find it normal that once we think we have the right answer, to be

able to propose a solution... good

day to you 🌹

03/12/2015 10:45:48

πŸ™‹πŸ™‹ Thanks Webmaster

... I could indeed see that the Bug had been rectified and I could click in the grid... 🌹 my question

was about JR in December, in November, it took 2 clues...
This is 6?

when I have the answer since December 1st. Have a

good day to you....

03/12/2015 09:33:57

πŸ™‹ hello


how come for the Julien Riddle game this month, we have to wait until we have 6 clues? when I already know the answer.... thank


anitabouchez, This is a new How it Works Julien Riddle, as a reminder now ALL players who have found the right answer are entitled to a click in the la Grille Cadeaux not only the first 200 players.

Good luck with this puzzle:)

03/12/2015 09:32:15

Hello, and what do you intend to do for "Professor Sunflower" not validated because the answer was "Sunflower Teacher"!!!!

Hello, I posted a message on Tuesday to let you know that the bug had been fixed. You have the right to your click in the la Grille Cadeaux.

Good luck:)

"The Web

02/12/2015 13:30:11

πŸ™‹ hello


how come for the Julien Riddle game this month, we have to wait until we have 6 clues? when I already know the answer..... thank you

01/12/2015 10:16:25

Hello, and what do you intend to do for "Professor Sunflower" not validated because the answer was "Sunflower Teacher"!!!!

30/11/2015 15:54:09


I hope I have the right answer then! πŸ€”merci in advance .......................................................................................................................................

26/11/2015 09:03:20

πŸ™‹ great


25/11/2015 21:41:58


editors the webmaster,

I don't think I made any comments about the Julien Riddle

games Neither other games .

I love your site '' games πŸ˜‰

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