Player misticlover posted a message on 04/11 07:57 on the Wonderz Forum: Boxes and prize. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Boxes and prize
04/11/2015 07:57:35

Hello everyone,
I have been a member of the Box (blue) for 3 months now. When and how to choose a prize? Thank you for your answers:)

29/11/2015 11:34:22

Thank you Web for your answer 🙁y):

27/11/2015 09:28:15

Hello Misticlover,

In order to get your Dreambox prize, you must wait until the end of the 3 consecutive months. To know the exact date, click on the "Your Dreambox" link under your nickname.

You will find aPrizes" section, the different possible Prizes are presented to you.

"The Web

27/11/2015 07:50:51

Hello Web, a little answer ? have a nice day 🙋

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