Player webmaster posted a message on 02/11 14:17 on the Wonderz Forum: Julien Riddle: rule change. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Julien Riddle: rule change
02/11/2015 14:17:04

Hello everyone 🙋, Following

your comments on Julien Riddle that we have taken into account from this Chapter onwards, the first 200 to have found the right answer will win a click on the la Grille Cadeaux The others, who have also found the right answer but are not in the top 200, will win 5000 points!

I will let you know if the system changes for the next Chapter.

In response to some players, please be aware that the Rules and Regulations have never changed since the Pop Artist.

Good games! 🍸 The

Web 🌹

06/11/2015 00:35:36

good evening, happy that we all have a little something following our attendance but the site could also have reported that we went from "8" possible answers to "3" only..........

02/11/2015 17:49:29

thank you, the web, it's nice to have taken into account the "remarks/suggestions" and to offer 5000 points to the Winners from the 201th
very good end of the day to the whole team

02/11/2015 17:16:57

I can't Play Julian Riddle with the new rule. Could we have more explanation? Thank you.

02/11/2015 14:26:52

🌹🙋 Thank you very much for this good news. And also a big Congrats those who are concocting JR's riddles. Very good afternoon

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