Player ceriseorange posted a message on 18/09 11:42 on the Wonderz Forum: it was a sheet of ROBERT DESNOS (1900-1945). Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  it was a sheet of ROBERT DESNOS (1900-1945)
18/09/2015 11:42:24

It was a leaf
It was a leaf with its lines
of life
Line of chance
Line of heart
It was a branch at the end of the leaf
Forked line sign of life
Sign of luck
Sign of heart
Sign of heart It was a tree at the end of the branch
A tree worthy of life
Worthy of chance
Worthy of heart
Heart engraved, pierced, pierced, pierced,
A tree that no one ever saw.
There were roots at the end of the tree
Roots of life vines.
Vines of luck
Vines of the heart
At the end of the roots it was the earth
The earth all the way
The earth all round The earth all alone through the sky
The earth.

Robert Desnos (1900 - 1945)

21/09/2015 16:41:33

Hello cherry orange,
🙁y): nice your poems, I like it a lot!!!!
Good luck at the games and have a good day.

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