Player ceriseorange posted a message on 03/07 04:57 on the Wonderz Forum: Sybilas lilac Rembard. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Sybilas lilac Rembard
03/07/2015 04:57:18


The tearing rain caresses your perfume

loves the ephemeral

imbalance of droplets thirsty for sap.

At each petal she discovers your beautiful

symphony of refracted units.

The tiny flowers, blueened by the light, move

forward like a joyful

procession dancing like a waltz of love.

Forsythias and peonies crown this moment

and court the allegory.

Under the sublime tent of nature

a perfumed veil blooms our chimera.

Sybille Rembard.

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