Player ceriseorange posted a message on 18/06 02:30 on the Wonderz Forum: Canada Of Octave CREAMZY. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Canada Of Octave CREAMZY
18/06/2015 02:30:04



Canada is under the sun a blessed land,
Where the sky has given its brightest gifts,
Where, responding to its goods, the enlarged
nature A its vast forests mixes its giant lakes.

On these enchanted shores, our mother, France,
left an immortal furrow with her glory,
rushing her waves towards the immense ocean,
the noble St. Lawrence repeated her name.

Happy who knows her, happier who lives in her,
And, never leaving to seek other heavens
The banks of the great river where happiness invites him,
Knows how to live and knows how to die where his forefathers sleep.

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