Player quelqu1 posted a message on 18/05 15:25 on the Wonderz Forum: madwin points conversion <-> cadovillage. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  madwin points conversion <-> cadovillage
18/05/2015 15:25:27

Good morning, everyone.
I read the titles of the messages and I didn't find what I was looking for.
I would like to know if it is possible to transfer the points earned on CadoVillage to the MadWin site. I know it is possible to transfer the points from MadLotto to CadoVillage or MadWin.

Thank you.

16/06/2015 10:25:48

Hello. 🙋 No,

this is not possible.
Points can only be transferred from MadLotto.
Have a good day, and enjoy the games. 😉

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