Player webmaster posted a message on 24/04 12:12 on the Wonderz Forum: GLADIATOR: Enter the Arena!. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  GLADIATOR: Enter the Arena!
24/04/2014 12:12:15

Hello 🙋 The

new game has arrived! Welcome to the Gladiator Arena! 😉 Turn

the Wheel to access the Hall of the Gods and take up the Challenges challenges
win 2000 Euros... and even more!

Access Zeus' challenge and bet your Golden Pieces on the Cups.
One of the Cups contains a Wire 2000 Euros!

If you find this Cup, you can win 2000 Euros multiplied
by the number of coins you bet on it!

Good games to all!
The Web

27/04/2014 22:20:35

Too bad there are not a limited number of Turns on the wheel for each Round! Otherwise game very well and beautiful prizes in play!

24/04/2014 22:30:32

cool a new game:)

24/04/2014 15:13:36

Great, a great amount up for grabs !, good luck to all 🌹

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