Player sincara posted a message on 31/12 23:27 on the Wonderz Forum: Sweepstake. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

Good Adventure Scratch Ticket
Number of remaining tickets :4303 / 5000
Win GBP 875
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Drago Scratch Ticket
Number of remaining tickets :3500 / 3500
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Sunset Diamond Scratch Ticket
Number of remaining tickets :1000 / 1000
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Sunset Diamond Scratch Ticket
Number of remaining tickets :1000 / 1000
Win GBP 1 800
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Subject :  Sweepstake
31/12/2013 23:27:09

Good evening everyone,

I would like to know if it would be possible that after winning a gift prize the Sweepstake windowSweepstake could exchange it for madpoints ( and therefore a greater number of points, a kind of "buy-sell")

Thank you for your future answers, I ask this because I prefer to be sure before I do not want it to be a kind of offence ^^....

Happy evening and happy holidays/year 2014 to all.

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