Player miguelita posted a message on 23/09 11:10 on the Wonderz Forum: SURVEY: FRIENDLY OR FRIENDLY, : pure friendship exists : for life : misfortune : misfortune. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  SURVEY: FRIENDLY OR FRIENDLY, : pure friendship exists : for life : misfortune : misfortune
23/09/2013 11:10:32

I nose disappoint, but we do not know the reactions, as long as everything is merciful, receptions, outings, etc. ñ yes they are, but even friendship after 30 years, we fall from above, rare are those who
surround you, they exist but on the fingers of the hand ñ utopian
I am, friendship is a rich value, it is giving without waiting to receive, without judging, it is sharing when the other is in trouble.
Friends we don't know them, we don't know ourselves! we only know who they are in difficult times!

24/09/2013 00:29:48

Exactly! Man is a wolf to man! I was a soldier, I was brought to serve in outdoor theatres, man can be man's worst enemy!

23/09/2013 22:45:50

But the others are you, it's me

23/09/2013 15:17:02

"Unhappiness is other people": jean jacques rousseau!

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