Player fluide77 posted a message on 22/08 20:02 on the Wonderz Forum: KangooRace, Getting there first and...?. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  KangooRace, Getting there first and...?
22/08/2012 20:02:46

Good evening, everyone!
I am the spokesperson for my niece Lauriane who will enter the fifth grade in September

. I report her words "Uncle...! I have chosen a competitor for the race...! he got off to a bad start, put on a race, he passed everyone and won the race...! I was happy for the one I had chosen, but, he wins 0 points!

Once again this one was in the peleton which was well grouped until the end.........! We couldn't know who was going to win and mine finished first but he won Zero points!

It doesn't make sense because when you win, you earn a medal or points on your game site 🙁 In short, it

's in my name that I write, indeed "the truth comes out of the mouths of children 😉".
The SC knows our position through their different "Fluide88" surveys that I apprehend Cadovillage CadoVillage worn for youth, which graphically gives some "balls" for the younger ones for their future!

Example: with the flying beaver, it can be stopped by a bear holding the STOP sign that we meet in real life, a beautiful form of education that we appreciate on our side!

So, please ( knowing that it will be a burden on your computer scientists 😉) if a competitor from Kangoo-Race painfully arrives first and wins Zero points ( adding something of the Type ..0 point, because of false start on his part, or suspicions of, etc...) it would seem more logical to me because it corresponds to the real life, that of every day!
Good end of the evening to all, fluid77

24/08/2012 17:33:30

Good evening and many things to your niece.

24/08/2012 15:40:55

Certainly, but it is an old saying, the world of teddy bears is on the verge of extinction, and today, unfortunately, onlySilver, profit, profitability, productivity account. And this new world will not go back...

24/08/2012 05:16:03

as you say "the truth comes out of the mouths of children"
to good hearer hello!

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