Player pf22 posted a message on 03/01 16:13 on the Wonderz Forum: no more Rounds!!!!!. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  no more Rounds!!!!!
03/01/2012 16:13:55

Here we are in 2012 and one of the things we have been hearing the most since this new year is everything that is increasing at the beginning of this year: transport, gas, energy, smic (fortunately!!!!) etc.... πŸ€ͺ So
I was wondering if it wasn't possible to increase the number of free rounds as wellfree rounds to follow this great movement πŸ˜ƒ One or
two Rounds games would be great, wouldn't it? πŸ‘Ό Happy
New Year 🍸 πŸ™‹ πŸ™‹

04/01/2012 10:31:26

Hello pf22 πŸ™‹, Hihi

πŸ˜‚, it's true everything is increasing. To think about!

In the meantime, good game 🍸.

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