Player majovo posted a message on 28/07 17:24 on the Wonderz Forum: SuperWin tickets for free games Catch A Prize, Arabesque. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players
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The scale for awarding SG tickets according to the number of Points earned (scale published in the details of the SuperGagnan game rules) is not respected for winnings of 15 and 200 Points in the Catch A Prize , Arabesque and Pêche aux lots games. free.
For 15 Points earned, we are awarded 4 SG instead of 5, and for 200 Points earned, 100 instead of 1000. 😕 Is this a bug, will it be fixed?
and in addition the beluga bonus at disparu😈, it was the one that was the most interesting because when a player found it all the players in the Round a booster round):🙁n):🙁n):🙁n):on cado c t the tent bonus and on quo the coal bonus not kool😥
Indeed, Majovo is right. Here is the schedule of the Rules and Regulations and we see that from 10 to 19 points is supposed to win 5 tickets, as well as more than 150 points should give 1000 tickets, which is not the case in free Loot games 🙁n)Loot
If it's deliberate on the part of the Dream, I don't understand either. After all, the number of clicks assigned is fixed, regardless of the number of tickets won.
I think it's a certain will of the team to privilege people who spend more time Play free rounds via flash games.....
That said, the winnings in the CALs are made in such a way that you earn the same amount of points (on average) no matter what game you play...
With this disadvantage, it seems like they're pushing us not to Play free CAL... but I really don't understand their interest in all this... and I would just as much like the scale to be respected to ensure fairness between All Games!