Player sunred posted a message on 19/04 07:09 on the Wonderz Forum: Discover More. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Discover More
19/04/2011 07:09:37

At thirty, a Female has to choose between her behind and her face. 🎵 Coco

Chanel The

essence of genius is to provide ideas to morons twenty years later. 😈 Louis

Aragon I deeply despise those who like to walk in rows to music: it can only be by mistake that they have received a brain, the spinal cord would be more than enough for them. 😂

Albert Einstein Our

good deeds are often more disturbing than our sins. 🍻

Marcel Aymé

28/04/2011 18:59:17

meuuuuuuuuuuh that's not a poem! good quotes, especially the last one....

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