Player lauthyna posted a message on 29/03 12:44 on the Wonderz Forum: Thank you!!!!!!. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Thank you!!!!!!
29/03/2011 12:44:34

Thanks to Madwin's team MadWin sent me prize gift I had won: a dsi XL.......

I am a mother of 5 children (11, 7, 4 and 2 1 year olds) and I couldn't afford to give this prize to my eldest for her birthday.......

A huge THANK YOU that comes straight from my mother's heart!

04/06/2011 00:04:51

I hope it's with madpoints collected over the years or credits that you win a Loot that you order this Ds. Often, we end up buying it without knowing prize or it's as if we had a good discount on it... The proof: I won theHold Up Loot this week. I bought for 50 euro credit and I chose the exercise bike. So that's it... it's like a big discount! =P

29/03/2011 14:11:47

hello lauthyna! 🙋 congratulations

Congrats you for this prize will certainly please your loulous! Have a nice


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