Player webmaster posted a message on 13/08 18:43 on the Wonderz Forum: Challenges and VIP Games. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Challenges and VIP Games
13/08/2010 18:43:41

Good morning, everyone!

Just a message to let you know that from Tuesday, August 17, 2010, VIP games will no longer have Challenges Jeu and therefore will no longer be included in the MegaChallenge ranking.
This is to provide maximum fairness between all players for the MegaChallenge Weekly!

Have a good game!

The Web'.

13/09/2010 13:00:23

So you can't take off the vip games and make them accessible to everyone, because if it's not to give the vip an advantage, I don't see what they're for.... I like a lot of poker club but I don't play it anymore because there is no ranking...

19/08/2010 14:11:37


the 2 raspadinha games will be available again in Challenge next week!

The We,'

19/08/2010 14:08:01

why don't we have his steps a vip game

Hello !

The 2 VIP games are Poker Cube and Boo! Hoo!
but Nonoss and Treasure Card were games that no longer counted in the mega challenge.
Just the good news from earlier.

Good games and see you next week for the ranking of NoNoss and treasure map!

19/08/2010 12:20:53


the 2 raspadinha games will be available again in Challenge next week!

The We,'

19/08/2010 08:55:07

why don't we have his steps a vip game?

18/08/2010 17:06:48


Obviously the nonoss and treasure map games no longer count in the Mega-Contest either?

Have a good day

🙋 Hello!

Leaderboards for VIP games have been removed since 8/17/10.

For information, the games concerned are:
- Boo! Whoa! (Arcade)
- Poker Cube (Classic)
- Treasure map and NoNoss ( raspadinha )

Good games!

18/08/2010 16:12:58


Obviously the non-boss and treasure map games don't count anymore either at the Mega-Contest?

Have a good day

17/08/2010 07:32:54

I don't see where the notion of equity is.....
On the other hand, what motivated me to Play every day on your 3 sites and All Games (whatever my schedule) was my ranking on the 2 challenges.
I'm not sure you made the right choice to retain your players!
ONE THING IS CERTAIN: you have once again, unilaterally, changed the rules of the game, without appeal, I suppose.
However, when I signed up 2 1/2 years ago, I had the feeling that I was signing a contract with mutual respect for the rules.

It must be said that in any case, you will apply your decisions without taking into account the opinions of your participants.

As for me, I am not at all sure that I am making any effort for my attendance and I sincerely regret having sponsored a person yesterday by praising your system.

No hard feelings. Have a good day. Balcane

17/08/2010 06:42:04

Hello I don't really understand vip games they are games for players who have bought credits, it's not the number of points that defines the place in the mega-callange ,so why make vip games to disadvantage vip players? or is the equity cordially dom11

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