Player thebranleur posted a message on 08/09 14:55 on the Wonderz Forum: Finding. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Finding
08/09/2008 23:07:03

Thank you Web for your answer This satisfies me Greatly,

It is true that indeed the Blue Nugget prize ( Smallest) are of better quality as well as the Violet Nugget. Manolo721 made the point to me himself at the beginning of the event.

And it's true that when I put myself in the place of Little Player I find that it's a real possibility... Unfortunately there are 37 Blue Nuggets or inside that one there are 6 different Prizes... which is the same for the Red Nugget

So imagine that we win 10 Blue Nuggets... we will leave with Minimum 1 Double prize... So why not offer 10 to 15 different Prizes for each Nugget, keeping the same number of Cases.

Example Red

Nugget 1 x Wire 3000 € 1 x EEC Portable
1 x Wii
7 x DVD Portable
10 x home Cinema
10 x Bread

Machine As we notice we have a 1 in 30 chance of getting the Wire 3000 € while we have a 1 in 3 chance of getting a Bread Machine or a home Cinema...
So why not offer something like this the

1 x Wire 3000 € 1 x EEC Portable
1 x Wii
4 x DVD Player
4 x home Cinema
4 x home Cinema 4 x Bread
Machine 4 x DS Lite
4 x TFT Screen 19'
4 x 5 000 000 MP
3 X Wire 100 € Why This?
Quite simply that if you obtain several Nuggets of the same color you will quickly find it with a Double or Triple prize... My proposal is made with the example of the red nugget, but it is the same for the other nuggets...

The Advantages?
This will motivate us to Click more without necessarily always getting the most beautiful prize, a great variety of prize

The Disadvantages?
For us none... For you I just see that you will have to increase your stock...

Here I think I have summarized a little bit of everything....

08/09/2008 18:57:22

Hello 🙋 uh...

.good for the answers to the questions it's going to be hard since there are no questions in your post! 😉 so I

will simply make these comments: - isn't
there some contradiction in saying that earnings are decreasing while quoting the Audi TT, which was actually won in July, and which is to date the biggest gain ever offered on MadWinMadWin The fact that the first price is lower at this time has nothing to do with a decrease in earnings: the "cost" of the Prizes grid is actually the same. We simply distributed the Prizes better, with for example the first "tier" which contains more varied (and of greater value!) than the "small" DVDs that you have often reproached us for! This is a test we are doing, in this case it worked very well on the Previous game (Dinozor), so we decided to keep it for the current game.

- as far as cash is concerned: don't forget that the game of the month is a BONUS game, whose participations are offered to you! You keep your credits to Play on the many MadWin games!

- Obviously I understand that you always wanted more (it's normal!), but you have to remain reasonable and keep a balance on our side, so that the site can Next operate in good conditions, and remain a reliable site: since MadWin exists for 8 years, our most loyal players know that they play on a site of trust and reputation.

We must also look at MadWin as a whole, and not just on a single game: last year, for example, we set up the Sweepstakes, Tic Tac and Kitty Sweepstakes, which correspond to a free distribution of Prizes (the entries themselves being free) and an additional opportunity for all players to try to win Prizes!

You may also note that we maintain Prize Shops by directly redeeming MadPoints, which is becoming increasingly rare on the Internet. This is a commitment we guarantee to our players, and the Showcase contains a wide range of really interesting Prizes!

- I will end by saying that a gaming site like MadWin is a permanent balance to be found in order to satisfy as many people as possible. We do our best, we read all your suggestions and criticisms! And of course we try to take this into account to improve our services, but even if we strive for perfection, we will never be able to satisfy 100% of the desires of each of our players!

The Web'.

08/09/2008 14:55:21

Hello everyone,

I would like to come and make a small observation that has been obvious to me for some time and that I really don't understand.

3 or 4 Months ago, MadWin proposed us the Haunted Mansion event where we could win 2000 € in the same How it Works as the current event ( Gold Rush).

Except that the thing I find more than disappointing is that the 3000 € you can Win by finding the ONLY on 50 Red Nuggets in the grid or then we have 1 chance on 30 to find the right Box. While in the Haunted Mansion event there were 2 Red Statutes that allowed us to win 2000 € and there were not 30 Cases but only 12 to find the 2000 €. Then the Cash on the Current event is 10 € / 20 € whereas on the Haunted Mansion event it was 20 € / 50 €...

I find this really disappointing with a big change that is obvious to the players...

The Possible Reasons ---

- MadWin must amortize the Audi TT that was Won 1 Month and a Half ago... But it's not our fault they put it in Games so they should have expected it to be won...

- MadWin continued to reduce the scale of Earnings

1 Year and a Half ago -- Cash was 50 € / 100 € with bonuses of 5 € every 20 Min

Today -- Cash at 10 € / 20 € An answer to my questions and findings would be a great pleasure for your webmaster... Because if this continues soon we will Earn 1 € every Hour:

-vfriendly to all

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