Player kuwacz posted a message on 29/05 20:38 on the Wonderz Forum: yes or no codes?. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  yes or no codes?
01/09/2008 12:48:39

Hello 🙋 The

question doesn't bother us, it's just that the question, and therefore the answer that goes with it, has already been posted many times on this forum!
The Web'.

29/08/2008 12:20:08

I notice that it has been 3 months since I asked this question, without any answer from any person in charge.
if you are interested in this kind of prize, post. one day maybe someone will answer.
if a suggestion box is not read by the administrators or webmasters, what is it for?
I'm sorry if it disturbs the high authorities.
good game to all

29/05/2008 20:38:06

I find on the forum questions about putting codes in shops. Only, it's a question we seem to have no official answer (or so I didn't find.
Can anyone say whether or not the possibility of having codes in the shop can happen one day?
Personally, I think it would be nice even if the shop is full.

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