Player Brasil1979 posted a message on 25/03 21:35 on the Wonderz Forum: The fortune of the haunted mansion. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  The fortune of the haunted mansion
05/05/2008 23:38:19

thebranleur wrote: xori1 wrote: thebranleur

wrote: cricri04
wrote: : Thank you THEbranleur
! observer,

and I would also add omnipresent and counter !

Concerning the little red statue... I was just next to the 2000 euros... 😈 For

EldoradoEldorado.. I would tell you that the wheel is turning!! For my part I totally renounced the exchange in madpoints for big Prizes... if you calculate correctly, MadWin takes back your prize for 52% of its value in points and I find that it is too little, so I try to win only Prizes that I like.... (hence the dubbing attempts)

And then for your tactics... still you have to be sure to win these Wires... because God knows how capricious the wheel can be... unless you're a good technique!!!!!!!!

Hi Cricri for my par I fell right in the middle of the 2000 € I am really super happy, I really put wait really not.

Today I had a Wii at Wanted bu


you must have seen it since you were playing too. And I just posted to say that I just made my 100th Cash, a personal record exploded... I Love the Month of April Thebranleur the Son of Hercules91 ( mdr I laugh)

πŸ™‹ Hello ..... 🀨 When
I read to say πŸ‘Ό 😡 I don't have the mots😠 I think I'd rather not read anymore before I don't play πŸ€¨πŸ˜• and Play I wonder if Thebranleur shouldn't be discreet about his addiction to gainsπŸ€” but well he would almost be sympathetic in the way he lists his gifts... Go Hercules91 take care of th
little one!πŸ€ͺ For those who still believe in it and persist... Good luck and long live the May parades!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜€ Hello Xori1


is your greatest enemy but when it can be used in your speeches at least in the rest of your words that are incoherent, it quickly becomes an Emblem for you.

In short, I've never heard a single positive thing about Members or MadWin, so I'm just the only thing I'm saying to myself. What are you still doing here?

You were the first to always say, Hercules91 never post on the Forum it's a Robot etc.... while for a big player it could come to post. After me Big Player ( and yes sorry for the statement a certain one) I come to post my points of view and still I get thrown away so you should know what exactly you are looking for? whether it is the simple members who don't pay or who pay 5 € per month who come to tell their life story ! I think that's a shame. In short, the Person who Post the most and who invests the most and who is human is Bien Cricri04 even if I don't know him personally.

In short, long live the Bad Players.....

Best regard

s to all! ++

05/05/2008 20:36:24

thebranleur wrote: This is
a modified message: cricri04
wrote: : Yes, it is
true that there is a certain arrogance in these remarks.......

Winning Wires is very motivating for great bonuses. So when we have already exceeded (by far) the maximum level..... and we continue to Play just for a personal record....... while some (including me) hope to win 2 small Wires to have the Next level... and they don't even know if they will succeed in time... well it's very frustrating....

Of course it's the game, but even if it's only intuitive, I really have the feeling that the prancer plays for the win... while Hercules plays to Play.

You probably account this with all my suggestions to increase the pleasure of the game, being an experienced player I don't like this attitude very much.

Anyway, it is a game and by its nature, it is selfish (1 Wire won is not for another!)... so everything is allowed...... in moderation!

Of course, devalue MadWin... but always in moderation πŸ˜‚

Hi Cricri04 Cete

I agree that the fact of
Next Play the biggest step to beat a personal record is not nice for others, but well I would not have continued to Play Play not Play had my Wire € Check No more, I would like to report that the last day I made 1 see 0 Cash per Day.

In short tomorrow is the end of the event so the counters will be reset to 0.

Friendly to all Thebranleur

the game is the game
Well spoken Thebranleur
Friendly Rinah

05/05/2008 15:08:47

This is an modified message:
cricri04 wrote: :
Yes, it is true that there is a certain arrogance in these remarks......

Winning Wires is very motivating for great bonuses. So when we have already exceeded (by far) the maximum level..... and we continue to Play just for a personal record....... while some (including me) hope to win 2 small Wires to have the Next level... and they don't even know if they will succeed in time... well it's very frustrating....

Of course it's the game, but even if it's only intuitive, I really have the feeling that the prancer plays for the win... while Hercules plays to Play.

You probably account this with all my suggestions to increase the pleasure of the game, being an experienced player I don't like this attitude very much.

Anyway, it is a game and by its nature, it is selfish (1 Wire won is not for another!)... so everything is allowed...... in moderation!

Of course, devalue MadWin... but always in moderation πŸ˜‚

Hi Cricri04 Cete

I agree that the fact of
Next Play the biggest step to beat a personal record is not nice for others, but well I would not have continued to Play Play not Play had my Wire € Check No more, I would like to report that the last day I made 1 see 0 Cash per Day.

In short tomorrow is the end of the event so the counters will be reset to 0.

Best regards to all


04/05/2008 13:02:01

Yes, it is true that there is a certain arrogance in these remarks.......

Winning Wires is very motivating for great bonuses. So when we have already exceeded (by far) the maximum level..... and we continue to Play just for a personal record....... while some (including me) hope to win 2 small Wires to have the Next level... and they don't even know if they will succeed in time... well it's very frustrating....

Of course it's the game, but even if it's only intuitive, I really have the feeling that the prancer plays for the win... while Hercules plays to Play.

You probably account this with all my suggestions to increase the pleasure of the game, being an experienced player I don't like this attitude very much.

Anyway, it is a game and by its nature, it is selfish (1 Wire won is not for another!)... so everything is allowed...... in moderation!

Of course, rob MadWin... but always in moderation πŸ˜‚

02/05/2008 23:30:44

xori1 wrote: thebranleur
wrote: cricri04
wrote: : Thank you THEbranleur
! observer,

and I would add also omnipresent and counter !!

Concerning the little red statue... I was just next to the 2000 euros... 😈 For

EldoradoEldorado.. I would tell you that the wheel is turning!! For my part I totally renounced the exchange in madpoints for big Prizes... if you calculate correctly, MadWin takes back your prize for 52% of its value in points and I find that it is too little, so I try to win only Prizes that I like.... (hence the dubbing attempts)

And then for your tactics... still you have to be sure to win these Wires... because God knows how capricious the wheel can be... unless you're a good technique!!!!!!!!

Hi Cricri for my par I fell right in the middle of the 2000 € I am really super happy, I really put wait really not.

Today I had a Wii at Wanted but you must have seen it sinc


you were playing too. And I just posted to say that I just made my 100th Cash, a personal record exploded... I Love the Month of April Thebranleur the Son of Hercules91 ( mdr I laugh)

πŸ™‹ Hello ..... 🀨 When
I read to say πŸ‘Ό 😡 I don't have the mots😠 I think I'd rather not read anymore before I don't play πŸ€¨πŸ˜• and Play I wonder if Thebranleur shouldn't be discreet about his addiction to gainsπŸ€” but well he would almost be sympathetic in the way he lists his gifts... Go Hercules91 take care of the little one!πŸ€ͺ For
who still believe in it and persist... Good luck and long live the May parades!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜€ Hello Xori1


is your greatest enemy but when it can be used in your speeches at least in the rest of your words that are incoherent, it quickly becomes an Emblem for you.

In short, I've never heard a single positive thing about Members or MadWin, so I'm just the only thing I'm saying to myself. What are you still doing here?

You were the first to always say, Hercules91 never post on the Forum it's a Robot etc.... while for a big player it could come to post. After me Big Player ( and yes sorry for the statement a certain one) I come to post my points of view and still I get thrown away so you should know what exactly you are looking for? whether it is the simple members who don't pay or who pay 5 € per month who come to tell their life story ! I think that's a shame. In short, the Person who Post the most and who invests the most and who is human is Bien Cricri04 even if I don't know him personally.

In short, long live the Bad Players.....

Best regards to all!


02/05/2008 16:01:33

thebranleur wrote: cricri04
wrote: : Thank you THEbranleur
! observer,

and I would also add omnipresent and counter !

Concerning the little red statue... I was just next to the 2000 euros... 😈 For

EldoradoEldorado.. I would tell you that the wheel is turning!! For my part I totally renounced the exchange in madpoints for big Prizes... if you calculate correctly, MadWin takes back your prize for 52% of its value in points and I find that it is too little, so I try to win only Prizes that I like.... (hence the dubbing attempts)

And then for your tactics... still you have to be sure to win these Wires... because God knows how capricious the wheel can be... unless you're a good technique!!!!!!!!

Hi Cricri for my par I fell right in the middle of the 2000 € I am really super happy, I really put wait really not.

Today I had a Wii at Wanted but you must have seen it since you were playing too.

And I just posted to say that I just made my 100th Cash, a personal


exploded... I Love the Month of April Thebranleur the Son of Hercules91 ( mdr I laugh)

πŸ™‹ Hello ..... 🀨 When
I read to say πŸ‘Ό 😡 I don't have the mots😠 I think I'd rather not read anymore before I don't play πŸ€¨πŸ˜• and Play I wonder if Thebranleur shouldn't be discreet about his addiction to gainsπŸ€” but well he would almost be sympathetic in the way he lists his gifts... Go Hercules91 take care of the little one!πŸ€ͺ For
those who still believe in it and persist... Good luck and long live the May parades!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜€

30/04/2008 17:19:57

cricri04 wrote: ! Thank you THEbranleur
! observer,

and I would also add omnipresent and counter !!

Concerning the little red statue... I was just next to the 2000 euros... 😈 For

EldoradoEldorado.. I would tell you that the wheel is turning!! For my part I totally renounced the exchange in madpoints for big Prizes... if you calculate correctly, MadWin takes back your prize for 52% of its value in points and I find that it is too little, so I try to win only Prizes that I like.... (hence the dubbing attempts)

And then for your tactics... still you have to be sure to win these Wires... because God knows how capricious the wheel can be... unless you're a good technique!!!!!!!!

Hi Cricri for my par I fell right in the middle of the 2000 € I am really super happy, I really put wait really not.

Today I had a Wii at Wanted but you must have seen it since you were playing too.

And I just posted to say that I just made my 100th Cash, a personal record exploded...

I Love the Month of April

Thebranleur the Son of Hercules91 ( mdr I laugh)

28/04/2008 16:20:45

Thank you THEbranleur !

observer, and I would also add omnipresent and counter !!

Concerning the little red statue... I was just next to the 2000 euros... 😈 For

EldoradoEldorado.. I would tell you that the wheel is turning!! For my part I totally renounced the exchange in madpoints for big Prizes... if you calculate correctly, MadWin takes back your prize for 52% of its value in points and I find that it is too little, so I try to win only Prizes that I like.... (hence the dubbing attempts)

And then for your tactics... still you have to be sure to win these Wires... because God knows how capricious the wheel can be... unless you're a good technique!!!!!!!!

25/04/2008 16:30:04

cricri04 wrote:
Come on, I'm continuing the HS,

don't worry, I was especially angry at myself for having clicked so much on this grid......

On the other hand, what pissed me off a little bit is that you didn't even try a double or nothing, because I would have tried it... and then with all the cash I think you could have allowed yourself to maybe lose a multifunctional robot (Wow!!!)... to win maybe the 1000 euros.

In any case the last time I won a video projector by winning 2 doubles but I didn't have enough guts for the 1000 €... that's why I encourage everyone to try their double or nothing... and to come and testify on the forum!

Congrats Cricri for your Wheel Statuette in 2 Click you will just miss a small TV that you will find in Eldo or Eden if you have not already won it!

Good Courage for the rest with your

9 Remaining Clicks and your Cash 50 or you haven't chosen yet

( Attention Thebranleur and Observer ! lol)

24/04/2008 16:41:27

cricri04 wrote:
Come on, I'm continuing the HS,

don't worry, I was especially angry at myself for having clicked so much on this grid......

On the other hand, what pissed me off a little bit is that you didn't even try a double or nothing, because I would have tried it... and then with all the cash I think you could have allowed yourself to maybe lose a multifunctional robot (Wow!!!)... to win maybe the 1000 euros.

In any case the last time I won a video projector by winning 2 doubles but I didn't have enough guts for the 1000 €... that's why I encourage everyone to try their double or nothing... and to come and testify on the forum!

I also answer out of order,

I will explain to you why I didn't tan the Double it's very Simple on all the Eldorado I won and tanned the 1st Double I lost so now I prefer to take the 1stGift that was the n RobotMultifunction and even myself as a Cook it doesn't interest me so I took MP and I won 4/5 Cash with that, so on arrival maybe I lost a Superior prize, but at least I didn't have any regret if I lost,

Good luck to all for the end of the event I'm in semi rest so dark dark dark

Thebranleur 😈

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