Player phiphi974 posted a message on 10/05 18:17 on the Wonderz Forum: flash games refuses to launch. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  flash games refuses to launch
05/08/2011 14:56:02

There are no solutions then?!

23/04/2011 16:41:03

box impossible to launch any game the page once the game chosen remains yellow and nothing comes

02/03/2011 08:21:44

Hello, I have this type of problem too.
Now I play in other sites without problems but on your site there is nothing to do, the windows are white, I don't know what to do!

16/09/2009 11:04:31

me it's with great words it worked yesterday and today nothing to do we send an email 50 points back but I think the emails are read by a robot !!!!

26/05/2009 19:22:48

Hello, do you have the latest version of flash player?


10/05/2009 18:17:24

bjr and thank you in advance for your Help!!
impossible to launch flash games and this whatever the game!!
pop up authorize with firefox and internet explorer, what to do?
if someone has the miracle solution???
a big thanks in advance

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