Player claude3705 posted a message on 01/02 16:28 on the Wonderz Forum: diabloto. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  diabloto
25/03/2009 22:12:50

knight2000 wrote: : just
do a small calculation, the check of Wire is at 887'685 Madpoints, so with 100 million madpoints you can have 112 checks which Wires 1680 euro including even a little more than 1500 euro. 1500

euro is a little bit the estimated value of 100 million madpoints.
ok thanks
for your answer, but it's really theoretical then, since at this time the checks are indisponibles😂😂

22/03/2009 20:39:28

it is enough to make a small calculation, the Wire 15 euro is at 887'685 Madpoints, so with 100 million madpoints you can have 112 Wires which makes 1680 euro including even a little more than 1500 euro.

1500 euro is a little the estimated value of 100 million madpoints.

01/02/2009 16:28:53

before entering the diabloto page, it says that you can win up to 1500€.
However, once on the game page, we notice that the maximum gain is 100 million madpoints.
Where does this difference come from?
At one time, did the 6 correct numbers bring in 1500€, and since then the winnings have changed?
Thank you for your answers

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