Player lolousher posted a message on 25/07 21:36 on the Wonderz Forum: video games. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  video games
20/08/2007 19:11:34

WebMaster wrote: Hello πŸ™‹
In fact we

added all these games following the message from loulousher !

If, however, you do not find what you are looking for in the proposed selection, do not hesitate to send us your suggestions!

Good games!
The Web'

Hello The Web πŸ™‹ So,

as you say so well, I would like to find a small porch to up for grabs ! It's a

suggestion like any other, in my opinion, there will be people to try to win it πŸ˜€πŸ˜€ Have a good end of the

day to everyone and 🍻

20/08/2007 12:54:34

Hello πŸ™‹ In

fact we added all these games following the message from loulousher !

If, however, you do not find what you are looking for in the proposed selection, do not hesitate to send us your suggestions!

Good games!
The Web'.

13/08/2007 22:39:08

Hello πŸ™‹ If you don't

find your happiness in all the up for grabs ! All Games you talk about, is there something wrong with you?

Have a good end of the evening and win a lot of Prizes you wish for πŸ™‹

12/08/2007 17:17:03

Hello, for some time now, video games have appeared πŸ˜‰

25/07/2007 21:36:30


I would like to know why in the kdo shop there are no console video games like ds wii and ps2 3 thanks

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