Player 6804florence posted a message on 17/10 13:56 on the Wonderz Forum: prize information. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

Ticket to Scratch Monaco
Number of remaining tickets :751 / 3400
Win GBP 175
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Discover Wonderz Hockey League
Wonderz Hockey League
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Scratch Ticket Juke Box
Number of remaining tickets :12000 / 12000
Win GBP 90
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Ying & Yang Scratch Ticket
Number of remaining tickets :30000 / 30000
Win GBP 90
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Ticket to Scratch Monaco
Number of remaining tickets :3400 / 3400
Win GBP 175
Have a Look

Subject :  prize information
19/10/2007 09:23:07

🙋 and yes there is no time for you to win a max!! good luck

18/10/2007 11:57:03


I'm cumulating, you're cumulating we're cumulating... looooooool...
no deadlines...

have a nice day & good games...

17/10/2007 13:56:32

hello can we accumulate the points as long as we want or do we have to use them before a deadline? if so, which one? thank you

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