Player tetsuwo posted a message on 29/03 17:26 on the Wonderz Forum: the credits. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  the credits
18/04/2007 14:06:34

I'm not asking the question
either. I'm new too.

30/03/2007 07:26:47

Hi, first of all welcome in the world of MadWin it is a very nice site where you can win a lot of cado in this ki concerning credits yes you have to buy some if you want to participate in tournaments, sperm whale,... in short where you can win the prize you have to use credits now if you don't want to participate you still have your free rounds every day! good luck to you!

29/03/2007 22:41:08

for now yes, but I hope we can soon win some with the madpoints.

29/03/2007 21:27:30

Hello again

Yes unfortunately we are obliged to buy credits.
If you start you will stop more......

29/03/2007 17:26:45

Here I am new and I would like to know if you don't have to buy credits to get them?

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