Player cobra5 posted a message on 19/03 14:36 on the Wonderz Forum: Reload 8 credits by phone. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Reload 8 credits by phone
21/03/2007 15:51:56

Hi, well if you can't try your payment by card which is still easier and especially secure or the sms after I don't really know what's going on with the telefone good luck to you

19/03/2007 14:36:49

Hi, when I try to search for 8 credits with the 0909 42 040 (numbers for Belgium), the voice on the phone asks me to connect if I don't want to continue the call, so I wait but then I have a ring tone as if it was busy or as if it would hang up.

Please help me.

ps: pq they wouldn't make credits by bank transfer but less than 325 ((sing))

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