Player Vanes23 posted a message on 10/07 18:32 on the Wonderz Forum: The wheel of luck. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Scratch Ticket Tutti Frutti
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Subject :  The wheel of luck
08/12/2006 21:57:49

like me I bought a lot of credit I even &changed mad and nothing at all but points I hope

08/09/2006 20:03:50

idem I only had points

15/07/2006 16:22:14

I had a chicken little dvd and pts.
See you later. Good luck.

13/07/2006 16:35:15

hello to you me on about 300 wheel Turns I had only points nothing more.good continuation

10/07/2006 18:32:16

What did you win at the wheel of luck? I only win points! (deg) ,once I won 6 credits yet I put a lot of credits!!! has anyone ever won the plasma??????!!!!!!;-)

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