Player CowGirl123 posted a message on 25/03 17:37 on the Wonderz Forum: death. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  death
27/03/2004 10:43:37

It's okay if it helps you.

26/03/2004 16:48:36

yes I know but I feel much better
when I express myself:) don't be sad I'm
not sad anymore.:)

26/03/2004 07:05:15

It's sad cowgirl I want to cry.
There, I know it's heavy to lose a
loved one but life goes on

25/03/2004 17:37:29

A ball in our throat,
eyes drowned in sorrow,
shoulders shaken with tears,
I could not attend your funeral,
And I regret it so much,
You who left us so suddenly,
The illness made us lose our heads,
We wanted to see you so much,
Before you left us for a
better life,
Even your family could not see you,
There are things I wanted to do,
but I couldn't do,
have a good time with you,
tell you how much you meant to me,
and most of all, I would have wanted to
Goodbye and have a good trip Genevieve,
I will see you in 100 years, you've been Round for three years
but it feels like eternity,
we miss you so much.

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