Player nbouzana posted a message on 03/01 20:55 on the Wonderz Forum: hypo balls. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  hypo balls
02/03/2007 15:48:11

skylagon wrote:

There is no secret to making an important score at the Bool the Hyppo, but you have to Play and replay and you will be able to progress. Making a score of 15000 points is possible (there is no doubt about it!), but it's quite rare, and therefore not a reference. The generally maximum score is rather located around 12000 / 13000 pts. Good luck with that.


and you do how to progress because I've been playing it for a very long time and I've never progressed! And then know that there are those who do up to 20,000, given the slowness of the site I have trouble understanding how we can do so much, you haven't noticed that when you want to do fast to shoot you can't go up a gear, the slowness of the site is sometimes embarrassing?? or else it notes "please wait" to shoot the balls again...... not really even when you've been playing for a very long time..........

if someone has a technique that someone tells me, maybe some colors of balls are worth more points than others??

27/02/2007 15:47:29


There is no secret to making an important score at the Bool the Hyppo, but you have to Play and replay and you will be able to progress. Making a score of 15000 points is possible (there is no doubt about it!), but it's quite rare, and therefore not a reference. The generally maximum score is rather located around 12000 / 13000 pts. Good luck with that.


07/01/2007 16:28:04

🙁 sorry
I don't know how to do the maximum I do c 5000 points sorry

03/01/2007 20:55:20


I would like to know what is the method to make a great score on the hypo balls. Some of them score more than 15,000 pts. What is the secret?

Thank you. Thank you.

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