Player alexyou posted a message on 16/03 11:00 on the Wonderz Forum: purple light ball. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  purple light ball
16/03/2009 20:21:34

Thank you actually I would like to know especially if we can read in the evening with no gene the congoid that sleeps next door.
thank you for your answer.

16/03/2009 17:39:07

Coucou🙋 😂 Well I received
one a long time ago and frankly my opinion... mitigé🤨 it's all' pitiful and then it's a gadget what... to you to see if the deal point gifts Prizes you Prizes Good luck for the
rest on this site whose strong point remains its graphics troooooooooooooooop Beau!!!😂

16/03/2009 11:00:00

I would like to order the purple light ball but I would like to have more info, so if someone orders it and gives me few details.
thank you and I love this site

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