Player maylou40 posted a message on 16/02 21:37 on the Wonderz Forum: happy. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

Domino Scratch Ticket
Number of remaining tickets :1500 / 1500
Win GBP 4 400
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Scratch Ticket Juke Box
Number of remaining tickets :12000 / 12000
Win GBP 90
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Domino Scratch Ticket
Number of remaining tickets :1500 / 1500
Win GBP 4 400
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Scratch Ticket Juke Box
Number of remaining tickets :12000 / 12000
Win GBP 90
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Scratch Ticket Mojito
Number of remaining tickets :3474 / 3500
Win GBP 1 800
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Subject :  happy
16/02/2009 21:37:15

I'm glad, I just reached 1 million MPs. This is still far from the value of the Prizes I hope to win but I am delighted so I would like to share it even though I know that many of you have much more obviously.
Thank you. Thank you.

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