Player cricri04 posted a message on 09/07 19:12 on the Wonderz Forum: The ultimate quest!!!!!!. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  The ultimate quest!!!!!!
20/08/2009 10:47:39

How is this famous final animation?
Personally, I think I never have the same "courage"! Congrats !!

03/08/2009 15:00:48

Hi Khanel!!

Indeed, I played on an ambiguity of the word courage... but it is the only word I found to express these feelings that make you hesitate and think before clicking on the "yes, I try to leave or double"!!!!

Thank you for your messages, and thank you to MadWin who sent the Wire for 1000 euros less than a week after the win πŸ˜‰

27/07/2009 22:49:00

Hi Cri
criπŸ™‹ I'm happy for you πŸ‘ but from there to give you courage... πŸ€” No! You're not brave Play play and risk losing on a game site!πŸ˜‰ Saving a life at the risk of losing your own is brave yes! Yes, your undeniable contribution to MadWin's perennity with Hercule and others does not make you a brave hero but a brave player whom I greet friendly πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ»

25/07/2009 16:17:41


25/07/2009 15:35:53

WAOUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH TROP the class bravoo and good continuation

25/07/2009 13:37:15


Congrats you! This is the first time I've heard anyone win theEldorado....

Indeed, it takes courage to go to the end of the 3 evenings or doubles....


09/07/2009 19:12:53

Hello everyone!!!!! :wave:

A little message to make maybe share my joy!

I just won the 1000 euros ofEldorado....
It takes courage to try them, but it's worth it!
For my part, this is my second attempt, I lost a prada phone a few weeks ago and I wanted more!
But this time the chance was on my side, and the final animation started! (it is a little less good than the one ofEden, and especially we can't even see his gain... snif !!!).

Thank you for everything!

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