Player iriskel posted a message on 18/11 14:26 on the Wonderz Forum: free rounds. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  free rounds
21/11/2007 09:07:52

crevettedusud wrote:
πŸ™‹ I reassure you too I asked myself the question since the maximum that we can win in free round games is 150 mdp so if my calculations are good 150 for 15 free rounds gives us 2250 and personally it's not often that I wins 150 so yes why do some get to 10,000???

re: I hadn't finished my sentence! πŸ€ͺ
I was therefore saying that 150 Points per Round depended on the games!
example, I won 2 times 680 Points at gold rush (because I had come across 2 1000 boxes) and 2 times 500 at space speedway ... but hey, it's good to also recognize that most of the time its games it is difficult to pass the 30 Points πŸ€”

I too have trouble understanding how some can reach (example) 270,000 Gold rush Points in just 2 days! 😡 they must be lucky! πŸ˜‚
especially since comparatively some play 6 scratch games and they place themselves 1st each time with a staggering number of Points ! (while they only play 2 or even 3 Rounds max) 😲


20/11/2007 15:48:25

crevettedusud wrote:
πŸ™‹ I reassure you too I asked myself the question since the maximum that we can win in free round games is 150 mdp so if my calculations are good 150 for 15 free rounds gives us 2250 and personally it's not often that I wins 150 so yes why do some get to 10,000???


it depends on the game
personal for the Sudoku game, on my good days I can make 1900 Points per day x per 7 days that's 13,300 πŸ˜‰
in the worst case I make 12,000 a week.
then you have to see because for the MegaChallenge, it doesn't pay much when you only play one game πŸ˜•

I tried this week to Play scratch games for that no need to break your head just scratch πŸ˜€
so I divided my 15 free rounds into 5 games, i.e. 3 Rounds per game and here is the result:
- gangstagratt: 906 MadPoints
- space speedway: 1360
- yam gratt 508
- gold rush 767
- wall street 394
i.e. a total of 3935
+ 80 Points distributed over all of its 5 weekly challenges
+ 5000 Megachallenge Points , i.e. 9015 in 1 week.

This is just to give you an idea! πŸ˜‰
Suffice to say that afterwards it's up to you! πŸ™y):

on the other hand I agree for the Credits , because I buy some from time to time and bah 50,000 Points in 6 Sudoku Credits .

good luck🌹

20/11/2007 10:53:36

Hello iriskel, you don't have to always Play the same game, because in fact it's all about chance, you can pocket more on other games, and then sometimes win less.
To earn a maximum of MadPoints , there is no secret, you have to buy Credits and there you will see that you will not play for 2 or 3 Points per Round , I won up to 100,000 Points the Round .

Good luck 🌹

20/11/2007 09:02:21


I am also a platinum VIP.
But to win you have to find THE game that suits you well, I searched a lot before finding it πŸ˜‚
Since MadWin put SUDOKU the new game in free round play, I easily win 14,000 in 1 week..

then I would advise you to try other games to find the one with which you would win more Points .
If you like pyramid, have you tried Professor Carnstein's achievement?? it's pretty much the same style.

Best wishes

20/11/2007 08:16:09

πŸ™‹je reassures you too I asked myself the question because the maximum that we can win in free round 150mdp so if my calculations are good 150 for 15 free rounds gives free rounds 2250 and perso it is not often that I win 150 then yes why do some people reach 10 000???

20/11/2007 03:30:27

Dearest, how can I get more MadPoints?
1) Play a game where you are very good, see 2 games.
2) Being a VIP platinum just means you don't have to advertise anymore...
unless you choose them... Daily draw
3) make sure that you place yourself in the top 3000 ,in
the megaChalange.
4) Have sponsored friends.

So I only do 5000 to 6000 MadPoints in
free rounds It is possible in theory to do:
15750 Mp/week with luck!

But a week gives me about:
Without a sponsored friend: 6000 + 1000 + 25 = 7025 MP
With 6 Fifi : 2000 + 7025 : 7025 : 9000 MP
Here is an example, and I am far from being the best.

If you play credits from time to time:
For 6 Credits and for 15 days, I earn 15000 to 25000 Mp in addition
One of my fifis made it with 6 credits: 50000 MP
Here it is, here it is, Good luck. I can't say anymore to help you.
Hoping to have answered your question.

18/11/2007 14:26:53

:wave: Reading some topics on the Fo, I wonder how you can get almost or more than 10 000 pts ! I'm new to MadWin (is that the secret?) ! I can't get options ! I'm VIP Platinum ;but it doesn't do anything + ! I play Pyramids and in the week, my score is around 3600 and still I don't account the Rounds that bring me 2, 3 or nothing being forced to stop since I am blocked by the draw draw! Either I didn't get it all, or I'm really unlucky or I suck at it? If I get an answer, be nice! no derogatory remarks that are useless. Thank you.

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