Player melby13 posted a message on 28/11 19:40 on the Wonderz Forum: prize problem. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  prize problem
29/11/2006 20:42:30

Hello melby13,

your iPod has been sent to you on the date indicated on your Prize Winnings in Colissimo Expert. I have forwarded your request to our customer manager, do not hesitate to make a new request to Customer Service.

I would like to point out again that we are not able to answer personal requests on the forum

. I hope that your problem will be solved soon!

Good games!

The Web'.

28/11/2006 19:40:51

This is a modified message:
🙁 (...) I won an ipod shuffle, I still haven't received anything (...)

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