Player celoja19 posted a message on 12/03 10:21 on the Wonderz Forum: MadPoints. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  MadPoints
26/04/2010 20:36:21

On the other hand it is possible to exchange madpoits against Rounds at lucky you (game of the month)
10 Coins = 100,000 MadPoints
10 Coins = 5 credits

so we can say that 1 credit is equivalent to 20,000 MadPoints

at CadoVillage you can Play fishing Points in Fish A Prize 2 and in the different trip tic.

30/03/2010 21:22:19


No, we have to buy the credits. The most interesting thing is to buy them "in bulk" (when we pay them by credit card, there is a discount on their amount).

Good luck at the games! Bizz

30/03/2010 20:39:22


No, we are obliged to buy the credits.

Good luck! Bizz

12/03/2010 10:21:35

can we exchange our madpoints for credits

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