Player jharen posted a message on 04/01 14:57 on the Wonderz Forum: Podium. Answer him on Wonderz and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Podium
19/01/2006 19:15:40

Patouille... eternal second on the podiums............

06/01/2006 23:05:31

No Jahren!!!!!
The results of the previous podium took 3 days to appear on the forum!
Three days of suplice to finally know that the nikia n 90 was mine!!!!!!!

06/01/2006 13:37:43

I asked this question because the last poduim we had it right away

thank you anyway for answering me happy new year cordially

06/01/2006 11:41:39

🙋 jharen, the results remained published kkes moments after the end of the operation, but it is necessary to wait a while for kils to be published, as for tournamentstournaments....... bizouxxxxxx 🙋

04/01/2006 14:57:05

on the podium we didn't get the results it's normal

to have a good one année🙋

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