challenges Games
Jackpot Bronze Grid - GBP 70

GBP 70
Award Details
Winnings In Each Grid:
1 x Loot - A Bronze
Jackpot with a maximum gain of GBP 71,33
1 x Loot - A Bronze
Jackpot with a maximum gain of GBP 71,33
- 1 x A Bronze
Jackpot with a maximum gain of GBP 71,33 - 49 x GBP 2,25
- 100 x GBP 0,44
- 200 x GBP 0,22
6 x 1000 Points
15 x 200 Points
380 x 50 Points
805 x 5 Points
Click on a Box in the Grid to win what's behind!
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Perform all your clicks automatically... ( Maximum 30 clicks at a time)